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Forum terms and conditions


Online discussion rules


Set out below are the discussion rules for TEDxBrayford Pool web forums.


Comments will either be post-moderated using the following discussion rules. 


  • Keep your comments relevant to the discussion topic.

  • Do not submit defamatory comments (comments that are untrue and capable of damaging the reputation of a person or organisation).

  • Do not condone illegal activity or incite people to commit any crime, including incitement of racial hatred.

  • Do not submit comments containing someone else’s copyright material unless fully referenced and credited.

  • Do not swear or use language that could offend other forum participants.

  • Do not otherwise submit comments that are unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually orientated or racially offensive. This includes comments that are offensive to others with regard to religion, gender, nationality or other personal characteristic.

  • Do not impersonate other forum members or falsely claim to represent a person or organisation.

  • Do not submit comments or choose usernames that contain personal information that would identify yourself or others. For example, last names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details either relating to yourself or other individuals.

  • Do not post comments in languages other than English.

  • Do not advertise or promote products or services.

  • Do not spam or flood the forum. Only submit a comment once. Do not resubmit the same, or similar, comments. Keep the number of comments you submit on a topic at a reasonable level. Multiple comments from the same individual, or a small number of individuals, may discourage others from contributing.

  • Do not use an inappropriate username (vulgar, offensive etc.).

  • If you are under the age of 12, please get your parent/guardian’s permission before participating in this forum. Users without this consent are not allowed to participate or provide us with personal information.




Contributing to this web forum requires registration. Certain information is mandatory - such as a name and a valid email address. The personal details which you provide on registration will not be disclosed to third parties other than in exceptional circumstances (eg: the prevention of a serious crime).




Comments will be post-moderated after being posted on the discussion forum. Comments will be moderated at least every working day. Where possible we will aim to moderate posts within 24 hours.


If a comment contravenes any of the discussion rules it will not appear on the forum and will be returned to the participant by e-mail, along with a reference to the rule(s) contravened. The participant will be invited to resubmit their comment, after making appropriate changes.


Privacy policy


TEDxBrayford Pool is operated by Creative Rebel CIC under free license from Creative Rebel CIC are Data Controllers under the Data Protection Act 1998.


Where you provide personal information to TEDxBrayford Pool, for example when you participate in a web forum hosted on this site, it will be used only for the services you requested and as specified on the relevant pages of the site. Access to the personal data you provide will be securely controlled and all processing will be undertaken in accordance with, and as permitted by, the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA). 


Full TEDxBrayford Pool GDPR Data Privacy Policy


Links to other websites


Creative Rebel CIC and TEDxBrayford Pool are not responsible for the content of external websites and links to external sites should not be taken as an endorsement of their content.


Freedom of Information


The information you provide will be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which allows public access to information held by Creative Rebel CIC and TEDxBrayford Pool. This does not necessarily mean that information about you in addition to what is published on the forum will be made available to the public as there are exemptions relating to information provided in confidence and information which is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 applies. However, you should be aware that this may occur.

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