A lot has changed since TED last gathered in Vancouver three years ago. We return not for more of the same, wonderful though that was, but to celebrate a new era. Despite the awfulness we’ve lived through, the future beckons with extraordinary possibilities we couldn’t have dreamt of. In medicine, in AI, in clean energy, in the ways we work, the ways we learn, and in the fundamental economic and social systems that underpin everything else.

TEDxBrayford Pool 2023: Spectrums
In a world that’s often polarized and divisive, we choose to come together as one to embrace the diversity of spectrums of thought in our community. At the intersection of scepticism and curiosity are understanding and innovation, and the opportunity to embrace new thinking, different positions and opinions. The power of ideas is what propels us forward.
Steph Blanco | Why is Functional Neurological Disorder so poorly understood?
Functional Neurological Disorder is the second most commonly diagnosed condition in neurology, so why is it still poorly understood? Neuropsychology lecturer and doctoral researcher Steph Blanco shares her lived experience and research on the condition. She says; "I am not special or unique for finding these things. I firmly believe that those before me would have found them too if only they had stopped and looked and listened to the real lived experiences of those diagnosed."
What does silence sound like? | A joyful movement: Community through fitness
Laura Serrant first discovered the power of silence as a front-line nurse during the AIDS Pandemic. -- "Silence is rarely truly silent. Silence speaks. Always." During the COVID-19 pandemic, she was again drawn to silence and the power it holds to highlight social issues such as the increase in domestic violence and the true effects of poverty. Now Laura shares her silence framework to better understand the complex issues that are all too often unheard.
Stephanie Laing | Why social change is no joke
Stephanie Laing says "I want to contribute something and make the world a better place, but I also want to be happy and have a really nice time". Reflecting on her time as a stand-up comedian and community organiser she shares how humour can bring about tangible social change and answer the question "How many nuns in a bank does it take to get a living wage?"
Chemical X | Be yourself / Spectrums​
Created especially for TEDxBrayford Pool 2023 as Chemical X, Be Yourself is performed by Serena Smith & Matt Tango Ellerby and Spectrums is performed by Scott Coe & Ewan East.

TEDxBrayford Pool Youth 2022: Perspective
So much has happened since we last came together. Our Perspective has shifted as we have all embraced new ways of thinking, working and living. We've risen to every challenge that has been thrown at us and met them head-on. Now we have an opportunity to reflect on this period of rapid change and challenge our Perspective in a more considered way. From creating inclusive workplaces to rebalancing historical female representation, now is the time to reassess how we view the world and create a better place.
Anuhya Thota | Solving the unsolvable from a classroom
In this rapidly evolving technological world, the time has arrived for schools to reinvent themselves. Traditionally, schools are designed to memorise lots of content, this might have been relevant before the internet era, however, this is rapidly becoming an outdated practice.
Bailey Greetham-Clark | A joyful movement: Community through fitness
Bailey started his mission to make fitness accessible to everyone during the global pandemic. His aim was simple: improve people's physical and mental health. What he discovered was that the real benefit wasn't better fitness but deeper human connections and a sense of belonging for those who need it most.
Ryan Brady | Decentralizing university housing selection
At the moment, the “norm” when you start university is for your institution to choose your roommates, like a lottery. However, what happens when you are incredibly intentional with this very important decision?
Shannon-Mae Toyne | Theatre is the best amplifier for young voices ​
"Transferable skills" is a term bounced around by educators and employers alike. A desirable quality is used as a deciding factor in our futures, but what emphasis is put upon the importance of subjects like drama, which equips young people with a valuable tool kit needed to perform and communicate well in all industries?

TEDxBrayford Pool 2022: Brave New World
This year as we gather again in person to celebrate ideas worth spreading, we look towards a new era of building the community we want to be part of. Despite the challenges we've lived through, and continue to live through, this Brave New World is an uncharted territory full of opportunities that we couldn't have imagined. From sustainable food systems to the power of community, Lincoln is leading the way in making the world a more remarkable place.
Ed Crowther | A micro-offset mindset: Who's on the climate crisis frontline?
We are facing a huge environmental crisis with potential catastrophe in almost every direction. Humanity is both the cause and the solution. We know we need to act fast, but what if we were not the frontline defence?

Dr Robin Kramer | Are you actually as good at something as you think you are?
How does the awareness of our abilities, or ‘metacognition’, relates to our actual task performance? Is your driving as safe as you think it is? Do you really know how good a cook you are?
Kala Heatherson | The masks we wear: What I discovered by photographing fighters​
Photography captures the external self, and can reflect the parts of us that we choose to communicate to the people around us. We wear different ‘masks’ depending on what social environment we are in, whether that be professional or personal.
Grim Beeper | Brave Zoo World
Grim Beeper is comprised of three individually cultivated artists drawn together in blooming splendour, from the dense foliage of the Weird Garden.
In loving memory of Dex Wright 1966 - 2022

TEDxBrayfordPool 2021: Into Tomorrow
After living through a "once in a lifetime" pandemic event we get to decide what we keep from the last 18 months, and what we let go of. As virtual meetings and working from home become the "new normal" we get to spend more time contemplating the things that we truly want in life and the kind of communities we want to live in.
Join us as we welcome twelve incredible speakers and performers to the TEDxBrayfordPool stage as we ask the question 'what does tomorrow look like?'
Cas Potterton | Choose your own adventure
By happy accident Cas' enrichment science class was oversubscribed and he found himself catapulted into an English literature class that would change his life forever.
Dr Hilary Hamnett | The science doesn't lie​
Forensic science plays an important role in many criminal cases. You may have even heard the expression ‘the science doesn’t lie’. But what happens when a forensic scientist learns information about a case that has nothing to do with science?
Dr Frances Grundy | Gender Inequality in STEM
Why do women often get left at the bottom of the pile? Through the lens of her own career in Computer Science, Frances examines why women and girls still face barriers in STEM careers and education.
Velocity Bollocks & Her Indestructible Man | The Safety Last Sideshow​
Velocity Bollocks and her Indestructible Man invite you to explore the rich history of sideshows and perform some incredible feats of daring-do and danger for your entertainment.
2019: Being Human
In an era synonymous with exponential technological growth we’re more anxious and disconnected than ever before. Polarised politics and an ambiguous future have created “us vs. them” mindsets with young people left feeling their dreams have been stolen.
As the second decade of the 21st century draws to a close it’s time to reconnect with each other, celebrate our successes, reflect on our failures and take strides towards a better world. The more the world around us changes, the more relevant discussions about us as humans become.
It’s time to unapologetically celebrate Being Human.
Nathan Emberton | A Bedtime Story for a Better Future
Nathan’s talk focuses on the mainstream introduction of mental health awareness in a child friendly format for early development years.
Sophie Lavender | Autism Saved My Life
Sophie explores how surviving violent child abuse has shaped her into the person she am today. Autism was her shield and her strength from the toxic narcissistic and violent abuse.
Jo Tolley | I Want Equity, Not Equality!
Jo’s talk will explore how the notion of disability, equality and diversity isn’t always what it seems. So often, those three words are clubbed together and banded around in a negative and misconceived light.
Maisie Thomson-Whitehouse | Doing the Right Thing for the Past
Maisie’s life so far has been a voyage of discovery - through books. Books have given her inspiration, knowledge, information and power.

2019: Bold+Brilliant
This is our year to be bold and brilliant — without apology. In conjunction with TEDWomen 2019, we’re shining a spotlight on dazzling ideas from some of our community's most extraordinary risk-takers and innovators. Celebrating pioneers making power moves, brilliant people who are just getting started, and those who tirelessly show up as allies and advocates.
TEDxBrayfordPoolWomen will be no less than a joyful, thought-provoking celebration of smarts, savvy and diverse dynamism.
Yongpian Cai | Be brave & speak out: Find your voice in a different culture.
As a student studying in the UK, Youngpian shares her story of adapting to new culture.
Hulda Adao | How to be a successful imposter.
Hulda explores the different ways to remove life filters and shares how she had embodied coping mechanics to deal with some deep routed traumas.
Melody Clark | Storyteller Sirens: a tributes to iconic women in the arts​.
Melody shares a poetic tributes to iconic women in The Arts and their unique storytelling skills.
Katya Bozukova | The kids are (probably) alright, but not "digital natives".
Katya's talk explores the idea of “digital natives”, which lies at the heart of public debate on risk and trust and families online.

TEDxBrayfordPool 2019:
Fake news. Political unrest. Climate crisis. They’re all symptoms of society in flux. The world is a messy, chaotic place full of isolation and ignorance. Working together we can overcome all things, but we need to answer difficult questions: Where is all this leading? What can I do? What does our future hold?
In a world where everyone's at odds we need to remember we're stronger together. This year TEDxBrayfordPool offers an antidote. A place and time to come together, to build bridges and reengage in our community.
Breathe. Re:Think.
Dr Rachael Lamb | Ever had your ideas rejected?
Have you ever shared an idea and received a negative response? Only to feel frustrated when later someone presents the same idea and people love it?
Leo Scott Smith | Life saving technology
We’re constantly reminded of the dangers associated with technology. What’s often overlooked is how the growth of technological capabilities is having a huge positive impact on helping to improve the safety of billions around the world.
Tanya Akrofi | The heroic elixir of storytelling
The Hero’s Quest, isn’t just the thing of fairy tales - each of us is on our own heroic mission. That mission is to turn our personal pain into gold, to reach out and connect with one another and build communities that uplift and nurture us all.
Ryan Lovett | A convenient truth
As the world wakes up to our current crises of litter pollution, we are forced to look at the way we live and rethink the solutions we have.
TEDxBrayfordPoolWomen 2018: Showing Up!
Women the world over are no longer accepting the status quo. They're rising up, breaking out and pushing boundaries. Whatever their focus and talent — business, technology, art, science, politics — these pioneers and their allies are joining forces in an explosion of discovery and ingenuity to drive real, meaningful change.
TEDWomen & TEDxBrayfordPoolWomen will celebrate how these dynamic and diverse people are showing up to face challenges head on, all while empowering each other to shape the future we all want to see. We're showing up for TEDWomen 2018. Are you?
Libby John | On the naming of buildings
How do we remember and celebrate women that have more or less been written out of history? Libby looks at why choosing to honor forgotten female scientists can help redress the gender balance in STEM
Elinor Vettraino | Arriving somewhere unexpectedly
How do you show up when it's the very last thing you want to do? Elinor explores how even under the glare of the public eye women continue to show up and make a difference.
Alexis Powell-Howard | Why hide the repair?
Alexis gives a different perspective on how our mental health can be viewed and puts forward the notion that, life will happen to us, and if we can learn to accept how this can affect us, we can develop and be more resilient as a result.
Lorena Hauton | Showing up for life
What would you do if you faced extraordinary odds on a daily basis? How would you cope? Lorena explores how embracing a community of practice can influence your landscape.

TEDxBrayfordPool 2018:
Fear is the oldest of human emotions; it allowed us to evolve into the planet’s dominant species and survive when predators were a genuine threat. Now, in the modern world, is there still a place for fear? We fear failure, the unknown, the other and even ourselves. Without help, our fears spiral and overwhelm.
Now imagine a world free from fear. What could we accomplish if we fear less?
Let’s fail fast, dream big and make the world a better place. Now is the time to renounce fear and be unstoppable!
Syreeta Challinger & Rob Mackenzie | Creativity Heals
When tragedy struck and turned their lives upside down Syreeta knew that creativity could aid in Rob's recovery. In this talk Syreeta tells their story whilst Rob draws it.
Ruchi Aggarwal | Off the 'Sticky Floor': Make room for yourself!
Are you trapped by the glass ceiling or is it the "sticky floor"? Ruchi explains how a simple shift in perspective can put power back in your hands.
Dr. Fran Lambrick | To live with freedom
197 people were killed last year protecting the environment. Fran talks about her personal involvement in protecting the forests of Cambodia and her friendship with assassinated Cambodian investigator Chut Wutty.
Jacob Zylka-Zebracki | Should we fear fear?
Jacob explores how fear plays a very real part in our lives and how having no sense of fear can make us a danger to ourselves and others.

BrayfordPool 2017:
Creating Our Future
2017 is a historically significant year for the city of Lincoln as it marks the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest, the companion document to the Magna Carta; one of the only remaining copies of which is housed in Lincoln Castle. As we look to the past, and the freedoms these historic documents set in motion, TEDxYouth@BrayfordPool focuses on "Creating Our Future". Our goal is to push boundaries, stimulate discussion and catalyse change by offering a platform to showcase the things that really matter to young people. Our stage will become a place for pioneers, free thinkers and doers to share their ideas and knowledge with a global audience.
Kian Hearnshaw | How to Regain Our Power & Freedom
Only 120 countries out of 193 are recognised as democracies, but is Great Britain a fundamental democracy? Would a people's chamber and a freedom tax give us greater freedom?
Saffron Jackson | My generation are time travelers
We live in a world where we are better connected than ever before, but why aren't we? Saffron thinks that we're all guilty of trying to affirm our views rather than challenge them.
Mercy Ngulube | Generation Y: Entitled to Change
Mercy believe's that her generation, more than any other, really do have the power to change the world. Generation Y doesn't have to be the generation that's overlooked.
Lewis Smith | Exploring Our Future: Schooled, or Educated?
Lewis reflects on whether it's schooling or education that makes you who you are. What is the shape of education in the 21st century and where are we going?

BrayfordPool 2018:
State of Flux
This year TEDxYouth@BrayfordPool welcomes 9 extraordinary speakers and performers aged between 16 and 26, to explore the transition & evolution of the individual journeys of young adults, from their experiences to their ideas of how to shape the world.
GCSE's to A Levels, A Levels to University, or the world of work? University to Masters, or to the world of work? School, Marriage, House, Family or School, Family, Marriage, House?
The life of a young adult is full of transition and evolution - a different path for each and every person, but with one underlying theme: change.
During the formative years of adulthood the lives of young people are in constant transition, evolving from day to day and from choice to choice. The young people of the 21st Century can be seen to share one thing in common: their lives are in a State of Flux.
Owen Lewis | Find your voice for social change
Owen explore how anybody can use their voice and actions to create social and educational change on an individual, local and global stage.
Megan Mortimer | We're doomed! Wash your hands!
Everyone has heard about MRSA and antibiotic resistance, but very few people know about fungi and how detrimental to our health they can be.
Limpet | Live Performance
Limpet is singer/songwriter from Norwich, Norfolk. Her passion for music originated from her time as a pupil at the Jenifer Grace Vocal Academy in 2007.
Thomas Dunning | The fight for survival in a war against yourself.
1 in 4 people in the UK will have a mental health problem at some point in their lives. Sharing his own story of mental illness from psychosis to recovery, Tom helps break down the stigma.
TEDxBrayfordPool 2017: Past. Present. Future.
We brought together thinkers, innovators, doers and pioneers who are changing the world through their work. TEDxBrayfordPool: Past. Present. Future. became a platform to access knowledge, explore ideas, share learning, and project forward the best in innovation and advancements Lincoln has to offer.
We featured speakers both from local and national platforms, ran some amazing workshops, screened some of our favourite TED Talks and rounded off the day with five phenomenal performers and pizza.
Dr Ruth Charnock | Bad Sex (Scenes)
Dr Ruth Charnock explores the relationship between cringe worthy sex scenes in literature and our own inner feelings of shame and desire.
Lizzie Jordan | Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
Social enterprise founder. Mother. Widow. HIV positive. One person; a myriad of possible labels. Twelve years ago, Lizzie became a mother, a widow and HIV positive all within an 18 month period. ​
Dr Elinor Vettraino | The Evolution of the Revolution: The future of young leadership
Dr Elinor Vettraino explores self directed learning in a university setting. What can young people achieve when they take control of their own educational experience, and what can we learn from letting them?
Labi Siffre | Disturbing Definitions
Labi Siffre believes that the language of modern society isn't quite fit for purpose. Part talk, part performance, Labi explores new definitions for current language.